Centre for adoption :genuine .honest.and reliable advise for
Independent opinion and guidance for adopting a child.
Has 6 years experience in adoption in ranchi.
Having indepth knowledge of development & growth.infective
& non infective diseases like
metabolic.hormonal.renal.hepatic.blood.respiratory .neuro and congenital
anomalies and syndromes.
Tests to be done before
1.cbc:hb.tc dc mcv mch mchc rbc platelet and reticulocyte count are face of many hidden diseases.
3. Na.k.ca.cl.ph.alp
6.blood grp
7.hiv.hbsag.hcv.vdrl .malaria & typhoid
8.cxr were indicated but always needed for foreign adoptee
9.mx test if older.
10.torch is not needed but in certain conditions like microcephaly .hydrocephalus .
hepatosplenomegaly it should be done.
11.growth and motor.social.cognitive .speech & hearing
etc assessment.
12.echo if needed.
13.other tests in special circumstances.
[9/18, 14:24] Dr. S Kumar Wp: Crack the final/ultimate
40 yrs old male.52kg.increasing pallor .stools of varying
consistency for several yrs.mild fever for months.poor appetite .bleeding
T 98.7.spleen firm 3 cm.liver firm 1cm.Pallor +++.no lymph
node.edema clubbing.cyanosis.
H/few episodes of cold cough.and blood transfusions.
F/hist ns.
hb 4.4 wbc 9k.p50.l42.e8.rbc1.8.plt1.5.pcv 15.mcv83.mch
24.mchc 29.ps anisopoikilocytosis.45% rbc have macrocytic changes.
Protein5.alb 2.9 globulin 2. 1a:g 1.38.sgot.pt 10 &
15.bil 0.9/0.2
Ca 8.4.
Triglyceride 103 .cholesterol 102.
Create 0.9 na 115.k3.7
Widal+ve o & paratyphi ah 1/320.
Ur pus ++ c/s e coli 100000 and more.
Stool ascaris+ve.
What r the diagnosis and ultimate diag in this patient.
Any further investigation required or not.what?.