This published case of PFAPA syndrome is
periodic fever,adenitis,pharyngitis & aphthous oral ulcerations which
occurs on periodically every 1 to 2 months and presents with high fever.since
its autoimmune etiology it responds to steroids within a day or 2 and child
becomes symptomfree very soon without
any prostration and responds poorly to antibiotics as its
noninfective origin.throat swab culture is negative.recently a child with above
findings and repeated fever for several years got admitted in raj hospital.he
recovered without antibiotics only by inn dexona.he was treated repeatedly by
several ent surgeons and very soon tonsillectomy was planned.tonsils were
almost kissing.few throat swab had grew stap aureus and was managed accordingly
by ent spec.but its very remarkable to note that staph aureus never causes tonsillitis.patient parents were
surprised to be cured without antibiotic ,only by dexona.
Ebv,cmv,FMF has to be r/o before coining
In severe cases interleukin inhibitors can
be given.colchicine almost cures the condition but its self limiting .by
adolescent it resolves spontaneously and has no long term complications .
Its known to occur in adults but do not
resolve spontaneously.
So we shld be aware of this condition for
proper explanations and counsel abt its self limiting course to the parents.staph never causes tonsillitis
or pharry gitis and its very common mistake consider it the etiology in any
case of tonsillitis.
Hids is similar condition of periodic fever
as FMf.any of us is requested to write few lines about these.
So we
should be aware of above condition so that many recurrent above problem can collectively be called
PFAFA syndrome.if very problematic then tonsillectomy could be done.